The Ground Reality
1. Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas on the face of the earth. It houses around 1.5 million people. According to some estimates, more than half of this population is under 15 years of age. 70% of the population of Gaza is extremely poor and depends on foreign aid. 50% of the population is malnourished.
2. 80% of people in Gaza are from families of those Palestinians who were expelled from their ancestral lands (now called Israel) in 1948.
3. Israel effectively controls the ground, sea, and air routes of Gaza, even after it removed its troops and settlers in 2005. Its forces enter the area at will. The Israeli siege has turned Gaza into a roughly 140 square miles prison, currently under bombardment from above and across. Due to the economic blockade for the last 18 months, food and medical supplies have run out. Until recently, before the current Israeli attacks started on December 27, the people in Gaza were forced to use underground tunnels to Egypt to get these basic supplies. Now even those passages have been blocked due to the bombardment.
4. Israel has been bombing Gaza non-stop for the last 12 days targeting schools, universities, hospitals, playgrounds, homes, markets, mosques, police stations and other civilian infrastructure. The intensity and scope of the Israeli aggression is worst in 40 years (Israel captured the city and the Gaza Strip during the 1967 Six Day War).
5. Israel has killed over 700 Palestinians in the last 12 days and injured close to 3100. That is more than the number of Israelis killed in the last 7 years. Many are missing and unaccounted for because of the collapsed buildings.
History Matters
1. The images in the news may give the impression that a bunch of bearded anti-Semitic Islamist lunatics suddenly popped up in the slums of Gaza and began firing missiles into peace-loving, democratic Israel. And what Israel is doing is merely retaliation, self-defense, and righteous vengeance. But history did not begin yesterday. What is often forgotten is that 80% of people in Gaza are from families of those Palestinians who were expelled from their ancestral lands (now called Israel) in 1948. The five sisters who were killed in the Jabalya camp had grandparents who came from the very land whose more recent owners have now bombed them to death. For the last forty years Israel has effectively kept Gaza (and the rest of the occupied Palestine) under siege.
2. History matters because it is alive in the collective memories and 60-year long experience of Palestinians under the Israeli occupation. It’s unrealistic and unfair to ask the Palestinians to forget about their land, their freedom, and their rights in return for peace from their occupier, Israel. This informed perspective shifts the dynamic of the peace process from concern for Israel’s security to commitment to redress for the Palestinians.
3. In this perspective the conflict would be framed not in terms of “security” for Israel where Israel is forced to retaliate against “terrorism”. Instead, it would be framed in terms of “occupation” where Israel is practicing colonial and apartheid policies and Palestinians are “resisting” that occupation, using both violent and non-violent means. In this view, the state of Israel is a belligerent and illegal military occupation, and the Palestinian people have the right to defend their land, their honor, and their identity. An appreciation of the history also provides a perspective from which to better understand how Israel’s current practices reflect a sixty-year history of colonial expansion.
4. To even frame the whole conflict in terms of “an endless cycle of violence” is to distort reality. Because often the underlying presumption is that both sides are equally responsible for the violence. But the two sides are not equal. One is an occupier, the other is occupied. One has far more superior war machine (fighter jets, helicopter gunships, nuclear weapons, precision missiles, tanks, you name it), the other has rocks and mostly homemade rockets. One continues to expand its colonial settlements, the other tries to resist that. One continues to ignore over 60 UN resolutions against its colonial policies, the other laments the ineffectiveness of the international community.
5. If terrorism is defined as unlawful violence intended to frighten or coerce a people or government in order to achieve a political or ideological agenda, Israel is operating as a terrorist state in the true sense of the word. Israel has especially used these tactics in both the July 2006 Lebanon War and the ongoing December 2008 Gaza War to scare and collectively punish whole populations to turn them against their resistance movements. The carnage and humanitarian crisis that Israel has created in Gaza isn’t really about “stopping rockets” or “restoring Israel’s deterrence”. Its real goal is to force the resistance to abandon its popular mandate of ending the occupation.
6. Consider also the more recent history. After the elections, Hamas made an intentional shift away from violence towards a mainstream political agenda. It stopped its attacks and began offering the Palestinian people an alternative to the corruption of Fatah. Hamas was democratically elected and immediately strangled by a US-led boycott, preventing the government from functioning. Hamas continued to hold to its one-sided ceasefire (totaling almost 2 years), meanwhile the US and Israel began to train and arm the opposition government, Fatah, which they preferred. In response to plans for a coup in Gaza (anti-democratic takeover by the US-supported opposition government), Hamas secured its control (again, democratically- elected whether or not we like them) over Gaza, and continues to offer Israel an indefinite ceasefire--no more violent attacks, period--if Israel lifts off the siege of Gaza and complies with international law. The Arab League (comprised of 22 Arab nation members) has offered the same. These offers are dismissed by Israel and silenced in the US media. Israel says it has tried everything else, but it has not tried the most obvious: complying with international law and accepting repeated offers for a peaceful resolution.
7. For the sake of argument, if we assume that Israel is acting in "self-defense”, the question is does Israeli actions of denying food, water, electricity and medicine to the resident of Gaza guarantee the security of Israel or does it create more reasons for violent reactions? The Palestinian people must be given some hope of freedom from the Israeli occupation and domination. Israel's immoral and illegal collective punishment of the Palestinian people living in Gaza must end immediately.
8. America must stop its over $3 billion annual aid (military and non-military) to Israel and another 2 to 3 billion in loan guarantees and special grants (amounting to a staggering $14 million per day, most of which come straight from our tax dollars). It should also stop vetoing dozens of resolutions in the UN against Israeli atrocities. America must support a just and comprehensive resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that takes into account the history, moral rights, and responsibilities of all parties. And, if needed, it should impose sanctions to ensure Israeli compliance.
For more information:
The above points have been gathered from various sources. Basic demographics and number of casualties could be found at IfAmericansKnew and B'Tselem.
On Hamas' election and the response of the Arab world and the US, see Robert Fisk in The Independent (June 16, 2007). On Israeli violation of the ceasefire, see Barak Ravid in Ha'aretz (Dec 31, 2008) and Rory McCarthy in The Guardian (Nov 5, 2008). Also see Rashid Khalidi’s op-ed in NY Times (Jan 7, 2009). On over 60 UN resolutions that Israel has ignored between 1955 and 1992, see here. Another very important resolution, the UN Resolution 194, passed in December 1948, recognizes the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their land and receive compensation for their damages.
The theoretical points have been informed by Jonathan Cook (Electronic Intifada, Jan 1, 2009), Joseph Levine (Boston Review, Sep/Oct 2008), and Neve Gordon (CounterPunch, Dec 29, 2008), among others.
Useful Links
- Gaza in Plain Language - Joe Mowrey
- Article: Robert Pape - It's the Occupation, Stupid - Oct 18, 2010
- Video - Kenneth O'Keefe - On Gaza Aid Flotilla Attack - BBC - Posted on Jun 24, 2010
- Column: Glenn Greenwald - How Israeli propaganda shaped U.S. media coverage of the flotilla attack - Jun 4, 2010
- Column: Paul McGeough's eyewitness report - 'Prayers, tear gas and terror' - Jun 4, 2010
- News: Hasan Nasrallah calls for continuing Gaza aid flotilla-s - Jun 4, 201
- Blog: Anna Baltzer's eyewitness report - 'A people united will not fall' - Jun 2, 2010
- Blog: Juan Cole's analysis on UNSC condemnation of Israel, Gaza Blockade - Jun 1, 2010
- Clip: Norman Finkelstein speaks on Israeli raid on Gaza flotilla
- Column: Joseph Massad - "How surrendering Palestinian rights became the language of "peace" - Jan 27, 2010
- Column: Gideon Levy - "America, stop sucking up to Israel" - Haartez - Nov 2, 2009
- Video: Ali Abunimah, editor of Electronic Intifada, at One State Conference, Boston 2009
- Video: Anna Baltzer and Mustafa Barghouti on the Daily Show - Oct 28, 2009
- Clip: Closed Zone - Gaza - Animated Short Film by Yoni Goodman
- News: Electronic Intifada - Abbas helps Israel bury its crimes in Gaza - Oct 2, 2009
- News: The Independent - UN says Israel should face war-crimes trial over Gaza - Sep 16, 2009
- Activism: FT spoof - "Anti-Semitism on decline since Israel wiped off map"
- Op-ed: LA Times - "Zionism is the problem" by Ben Ehrenreich - Mar 15, 09
- Op-ed: NY Times - "Middle East Reality Check" by Roger Cohen - Mar 08, 09
- Video: The Truth About the 2009 Gaza Massacre - WhatReallyHappened.Com
- Blog: Those People in Gaza: Where Do They Come From, And Why Are They So Mad?
- Action: Boycott, Divestment and Sanction - a nonviolent movement against the Israeli occupation
- Action: 'What you can do' - from Solidarity With Gaza site
- Action: Anti Apartheid Training Curriculum - from US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
- Video: Anna Baltzer on Israel's "Colonies" in Palestine
- Video: Palestine-Israel Conflict - an excerpt from a documentary, 'WE', based on Arundhati Roy's speech
- Video: Short clip on media bias in the Palestine-Israel conflict - from the documentary 'Peace, Propaganda, & the Promised Land'
- Report: Timeline of the Gaza conflict
- Video: On Turkish PM walkout during World Economic Forum in Davos - Jan 29, 09
- Video: Hour-long session - Davos Annual Meeting 2009 - Gaza: The Case for Middle East Peace - Jan 29, 09
- News: TV appeal for Gaza raises £1m despite BBC and Sky refusal - Jan 27, 09
- News: NY Times - Gaza War Gives Bigger Lift to Israel’s Right Than to Those in Power - Jan 26, 09
- Article: John J. Mearsheimer - Another War, Another Defeat - The American Conservative - Jan 26, 09
- Video: CBS - 60 Minutes - Time Running Out For A Two-State Solution? - Jan 25, 09
- Video: Tony Benn DEC appeal, charges BBC is under pressure from the Israeli government - Jan 24, 09
- Interview: Noam Chomsky: Obama's Stance on Gaza Crisis "Approximately the Bush Position" - Jan 23, 09
- Article: Gideon Levy - Gaza war ended in utter failure for Israel - Ha'aretz - Jan 22, 09
- Interview: Norman Finkelstein - The bloody Israeli sojourn in Gaza - Jan 21, 09
- Statement: MPAC - Open Letter to Obama in New York Times Calls for Even-Handed Mideast Policy - Jan 21, 09
- News: BBC - UN accuses Israel over phosphorus - Jan 15, 09
- Op-ed: Randall Kuhn - When Israel expelled Palestinians - Jan 14, 09
- Column: Basim Naim - We believe in resistance, not revenge - Jan 13, 09
- Video: CNN - Israel defends munitions amid white phosphorus accusations - Jan 12, 09
- Statement: Timesonline - Attorneys and Academics condemn Israel's aggression in Gaza - Jan 11, 09
- News: AlJazeera - Israel 'using white phosphorus' - Jan 11, 09
- News: Khaled Meshaal - Resistance is all we have in Gaza - Jan 11, 2009
- Column: Naomi Klein - Enough. It's time for a boycott - Jan 10, 09
- Statement: Canadian Union of Postal Workers calls for boycott of Israel - Jan 09, 09
- News: Red Cross - Israel breaking Int'l law, letting children starve in Gaza - Jan 08, 09
- Op-ed: Richard Falk - Understanding the Gaza Catastrophe - Jan 07, 09
- Gaza Press Release by Oxford University Islamic Society - Jan 07, 09
- Column: Avi Shlaim: How Israel brought Gaza to the brink of humanitarian catastrophe - Jan 07, 09
- Column: Khalid MIshal - This brutality will never break our will to be free - Jan 06, 09
- Video: Real News - Gaza, Historical Amnesia, International Law - Interview with Phillip Bennis - Jan 06, 2009
- Video: BBC - Former Israeli captain speaks out against the Israeli aggression - Jan 06, 09
- Report: Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed - The origins of the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Settler-Colonialism, Apartheid, and Political Zionism - Jan 05, 09
- Video: Jon Stewart of The Daily Show speaks on Gaza - Jan 05, 2009
- Video: CNN - Israel broke Gaza ceasefire - Jan 05, 09
- Video: Democracy Now - Neve Gordon condemns Israeli aggression - Jan 05, 09
- Video: RealNews - Israel's politics spill into Gaza - Jan 03, 2009
- Video: George Galloway - Stop Gaza Massacre protest London - Jan 03, 09
- Report: Ahmed Bouzid - The media narrative on Palestine and Israel - Jan 01, 2009
- Video: Democracy Now - Coverage and Analysis on Gaza - Dec 29, 08
- Video: Hasan Nasrallah's speech in Lebanon's Gaza Protest - Dec 28, 08
- Video: PressTV - On UN Resolution 194 which guarantees the right of return and compensation to Palestinian refugees - Dec 10, 08
- Video: Worldwide protests continue
- Video: Shoe protest outside of Gordon Brown's House, London
- Video: Documentary - Occupation 101
- Video: Short Documentary - Off the Charts - on media coverage of the Palestine-Israel conflict
- Video: Documentary - Peace, Propaganda, & the Promised Land
- Video: Zionist Settlers in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood in the Hebron city of the West Bank
- Link: Stats on US Weapons trade with Israel - pdf file
- TV: One place to find alternative news sources like PressTV, AlJazeera, DawnNews, among others
- News: NY Times - Gaza War Gives Bigger Lift to Israel’s Right Than to Those in Power - Jan 26, 09
- Interview: Norman Finkelstein - The bloody Israeli sojourn in Gaza - Jan 21, 09
Dedication and Disclaimer: This page is dedicated to the victims of oppression around the world and to those devoting their days and nights for a just and peaceful tomorrow. The content published here is for public information and does not necessarily represent the views or endorsement of the editors. For comments and questions, please email GazaAwareness (at) gmail (dot) com